Happy Valentine's Day to you all. In celebration of Valentine's, I have been posting a few selections from Song of Songs which are such poetic expressions of love between a man and his wife. He loves and compliments her and she does the same for him. Of course love is shared in so many ways...love for your children, your siblings, parents and friends, and that love should be expressed throughout the year, not just on today. So tomorrow I hope everyone takes the time to express love for someone.
13And now abide faith, hope, love these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1Cor. 13:13 NIV
Here are a few treats I made for my family for Valentine's Day
I honestly did not want to post these because of my extremely amateur cake decorating, but my 22 month old said "Mommy that is puurrdy" and that was ALL the approval I needed!!
Soo, cute you are so creative!!