Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Here I am....I'm here

Whew...Ok....sorry this next post has taken so long. I have been here and there, made this and that and still didn't feel I could bring any content that you all haven't seen already. So, until I do have something new to bring to the table I will just pour my little mommy heart out and hope I can at least reach someone who can relate...or someone who needs to know she is not the only one!

So, today was the 100th day at my girls' school!! This year I wanted to do something really cool....hip...cause I'm a cool mom, you know. I thought of emojis...or maybe some Falcons to celebrate our Dirty Birds' victory from Sunday, (SUPER BOWL HERE WE COME...and yes I know that was just the other day, but these projects are mostly always completed the night before at my dining room table. I told you before I work best under pressure) but I could not find anything that was sold in larger quantities (100), so I opted for the simple pompoms. The shirts were cute. Festive. Can't complain. Mission Accomplished!

But I tell you, with book reports, homework, AR quizzes, IXL, and counting a hundred marshmallows for my daughter to share with her class, I sometimes wonder how the heck we moms do it all. And this is not a complaint, but seriously, children these days seem to have a lot going on. And lets not even mention playdates!!! Oh my goodness....the playdates! Its like we are personal assistants to these little people. Cook, clean after, drive around, make appointments...and now I have added resolving friend issues with other mommies to my resume.

I have realized that if I stay on top of things in the home while they are at school, which I know is a no brainer for most moms, things run pretty smoothly once my girls are home and the kitchen table is covered with papers and laptops. I also have discovered that watching Clean Up With Me videos on youtube is a huge help. Who knew! I am still trying to find ways to make things run better for my household. I truly believe the first step is that quiet time with you and God. Starting that day giving thanks, acknowledging you need Him and going from there. Seek first the Kingdom of God....it truly helps me.  

Well Moms....time for me to run some baths. Until next time


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