Saturday, October 29, 2011

So What You're At Home...Put On Lip Gloss Anyway

So often do we women lounge around the house in our over sized t-shirts and sweats...and let me tell you, I love every moment of it. However, when you work from home or if you are a stay at home mom (aka work AT home), you may start to feel your appearance taking a back seat...heck, your appearance is in the TRUNK!!! And, if you are a chronic at home shopper like myself, there is nothing worse than having to answer the door for the UPS guy in your dingy t-shirt and hair a total mess!! 

Not any more ladies!!! Get up, take a refreshing shower with some aroma therapy, exfoliate your skin and put some lip gloss on!! Who says we can't prance around the house looking as well put together as June Cleaver?? So what its laundry day!! Paint those pretty nails and admire the choice of color while you're folding towels. 

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